Saturday, 29 May 2010

Social Media Marketing

Why Social Media Marketing is important for MNC?

The Magnitude of Change: One billion people are now online - a figure that will double by 2011. In fact, every day 500,000 new users come online for the first time. Content is exploding. There was more content on You Tube in 2009 than on the Web in 2000. This represents a significant shift in what we think of as media, or put another way, what and how people get information. Taken together, we are experiencing changes to the dynamics of how we process information to form opinions.
News cycles can start from anywhere today. News and conversations are not just local/regional, they are global. Single blog posts can have as much power as major news stories. People are publishers, content providers and decision-makers. There are additional and new news cycles, and a proliferation of outlets for information. There is a rapid and continuing democratization of information.

The Value of Personal: Social media is contributing to a significant change that take us from “traditional, and objective perspective to a more subjective and personalized perspective.
The move from objective, fact-based, third party reporting and commentary (traditional media/advertising/controlled messages/interruptions) to individual, subjective perceptions is very powerful. The new facts are based on real interactions and experiences that people share with each other.

Connecting with Customers: Since when did any business not want to connect with its customers? Seriously, what is the issue here? Do we need to justify using today’s efficient, effective and readily available technology to spend 30 minutes or couple hours a day connecting with real customers?